Egg Donation,  ttc

Building your family with donor eggs – The Apricity way

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Knowing where to start with finding an egg donor can be an overwhelming challenge! There’s lots of information online, from whether fresh or frozen eggs are better, to understanding anonymity laws in the UK versus abroad or how long it takes to find an egg donor.

My Surrogacy Journey works with Apricity in the UK to find altruistic donors that meet the strict criteria needed to donate eggs, while supporting both the intended parents and the donors during the process. In the UK, donors cannot be paid for their donation and are altruistic. 

The Apricity Way with 1:1 Donation

  • 1:1 Donation involves personalised matching – at Apricity intended parents are matched with just the one donor and will receive all of that donor’s eggs (16 on average). The embryo is then used within a fresh embryo transfer cycle. 
  • Shorter matching times  – in weeks not years! We have a continuous donor on-boarding programme to meet the needs of our intended parents 
  • Extensive donor information from physical attributes to background information and a profile written in the donor’s own words. 
  • Building a family with genetically-related siblings – with 1:1 donation you receive all of the donor’s eggs, allowing you to create more embryos for the future, increasing the likelihood of having siblings who are genetically related to each other

Apricity differs from traditional clinics with a virtual clinic pathway that means we can cut down on unnecessary travel for both the donor and intended parents. Our mission is to transform fertility care through personalised human support and cutting-edge technology. 

Our mobile app keeps both intended parents and the donor updated throughout and instant access to a medical team, with the additional support of a dedicated fertility advisor available 7 days a week.

Discover more about donor matching with Apricity

Hi everyone, So I’m Mike, guess I’m the crazy one who had the idea to sell our souls to Social Media and open up our world for everyone to comment on and observe our lives. I spend most nights (when not with Talulah and Duke obviously) with my phone glued to my hand, posting, sharing, liking and filming - all in readiness for Facebook, Insta and now YouTube. It’s getting to be a full time job, which is tricky - as I have one of those! For the last 18 years I have worked within Medical Recruitment and have worked in a variety of high pressured Operational and Business Development roles in London and the Midlands. More recently I am working for myself as it gives me greater flexibility with our new family via my Consultancy firm MJE Consultancy Ltd, where I attract and recruit Fertility Nurses, Embryologists and IVF Consultants and other specialist Doctors, as the Fertility Industry is my passion. I’m obviously one half of TwoDads.U.K and very proud of that fact too, and without doubt being a father is and has been the best job I’ve ever had. Nothing prepares you for the impact these little humans have on us, I know if you’re anything like me, the joy of being a parent just keeps on giving (whilst equally testing me too!). Don’t get me wrong, there’s days where I want to sit on the garage floor and drown myself in Gin but on the whole, life is better than it ever has been...

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