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Mindful Fertility Surrogacy Support Packs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Mindful Fertility Surrogacy Support Packs are here to bring calm and confidence to your journey. The packs give and show you simple tools that can make a massive difference. 

We know the stakes are high and a baby is the end goal. This comes with a lot of unknowns and pressure for all involved. It is really important that people going through a surrogacy journey are supported throughout. 

What does the research tell us?

Recent research on mindfulness has shown there are many proven benefits for people who are going through fertility treatment and preparing to look after their new baby. Such as reducing the emotional burden, increasing resilience and well being, whilst decreasing anxiety and depression.

This is why, after going through our own surrogacy journey, we created the Mindful Fertility Surrogacy Support Pack – to guide you in an accessible and practical way. The online pack includes:

– Mindfulness tools & techniques to make the journey more manageable.

– Relaxation audios tailored to the intended parents and surrogate.

– Printable positive affirmations tailored to intended parents and surrogates.

– A very helpful ‘useful resources’ section which we keep up-to-date (including books, social media blogs, websites and podcasts) so you can gain as much knowledge as you would like to, and gain hope from other journeys similar to your own. 

There is also a section for if things don’t go to plan. It is important we acknowledge and embrace the uncertainty of fertility too.

By adopting and practicing mindfulness techniques, our hope is that you will feel empowered and in control of a time that can feel quite the opposite sometimes. We believe in you and the power of your mind.

Packs are available here –

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