
Providing members with more than just a friendly face

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kiki Hansard – CEO of The Doula Association

Here’s something no one ever tells you when you’re about to welcome a new baby: all parents are clueless. Not just a little in the dark about one or two things, but totally, utterly, out-of-their-depth clueless. This is true however you welcome your little one. Whether by natural conception, IVF, egg donation, surrogacy, or adoption – and applies to absolutely all of us. Regardless of how well we might hide it. Fortunately, My Surrogacy Journey has forged partnerships to make the most important parts of your new chapter a little easier.

Your very own Postnatal Doula

Some new parents find it easy to reach out and ask for help. Some have robust friend-and-family networks who reach in so they never even have to ask for help. Some rely on a co-parent or other close person to get through it with. Whatever your situation, very few new parents will turn down help in these scary early weeks – and getting this support as you find your feet is crucial not only in getting into positive rhythms, but also in protecting your mental health. That’s where the support of a Postnatal Doula comes in.

Wider support

While maternity nannies and night nurses provide hands-on support that can be helpful to parents in many situations. For example in the case of ill health or following a difficult birth experience – postnatal doulas aim to support the whole family to grow and develop together. Often described with the old adage about teaching a man to fish rather than fishing for him. Postnatal doulas are not there to take the baby from you and feed, change or bathe it – rather they are there to help you learn to do these things yourself. 

Perfect team

My Surrogacy Journey and The Doula Association are teaming up to provide both the new parents and your surrogate with support in the early weeks. A 360 care plan that will support you through pregnancy to the postnatal period. Ahead of the birth, your doula will work with you to help you prepare a postnatal plan including what you need to buy or do before your baby’s arrival. More importantly what to expect your day-to-day life will look like in the early weeks of your baby’s life. Following the birth, your doula will check in to ensure that you’re managing the transition. From supporting you to understand normal newborn sleep and how to get some rest alongside your baby’s sleep pattern, to troubleshooting any issues that arise with feeding, and your baby’s and your own wellbeing. Your doula will also check in with your surrogate, to help aid speedy recovery and support with any issues arising following the birth. 

The Doula Association’s doulas also offer support during the birth itself. Helping the surrogate with physical comfort measures and support, and helping the new family to be as involved in the birth process as they want. Although this support is not included in the My Surrogacy Journey package, it can be booked separately if you feel you would both benefit from it. 

Learn more?

For more information about the services offered by The Doula Association’s doulas in your area, and enter your postcode to meet the available doulas. 

Hi everyone, So I’m Mike, guess I’m the crazy one who had the idea to sell our souls to Social Media and open up our world for everyone to comment on and observe our lives. I spend most nights (when not with Talulah and Duke obviously) with my phone glued to my hand, posting, sharing, liking and filming - all in readiness for Facebook, Insta and now YouTube. It’s getting to be a full time job, which is tricky - as I have one of those! For the last 18 years I have worked within Medical Recruitment and have worked in a variety of high pressured Operational and Business Development roles in London and the Midlands. More recently I am working for myself as it gives me greater flexibility with our new family via my Consultancy firm MJE Consultancy Ltd, where I attract and recruit Fertility Nurses, Embryologists and IVF Consultants and other specialist Doctors, as the Fertility Industry is my passion. I’m obviously one half of TwoDads.U.K and very proud of that fact too, and without doubt being a father is and has been the best job I’ve ever had. Nothing prepares you for the impact these little humans have on us, I know if you’re anything like me, the joy of being a parent just keeps on giving (whilst equally testing me too!). Don’t get me wrong, there’s days where I want to sit on the garage floor and drown myself in Gin but on the whole, life is better than it ever has been...

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