Membership,  The Directory

The Membership Directory

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Where it all began.

The Directory was the initial inspiration behind how Michael and Wes first began creating My Surrogacy Journey. ‘What if we could just share all our contacts, processes and advice with everyone, to help them to navigate through the complex and sometimes conflicting webs of Surrogacy’ Wes asked Michael. The pair are no strangers to supporting Intended Parents on a journey to parenthood. With over 300 people supported so far via TwoDadsUK Michael and Wes are on a mission to change the landscape of Surrogacy, when it comes to providing leading professional emotional support and guidance.

The Membership Portal

Back in 2015, they dived deep into the online Surrogacy communities, made a tonne of friends and contacts and began learning about UK Surrogacy, the do’s and don’ts, the clinics who genuinely specialise in Surrogacy, Egg Donor wait lists, the current Law and the reform, the Parental Order process and the limited professional counselling available. It was around this time that they also met Francesca Steyn, a leading Fertility Nurse and Surrogacy advocate. A instant bond and friendship was created and Francessca later became their Egg Donor for one of their children, and fellow founder of My Surrogacy Journey.

It was clear there was an opportunity to combine clinical education, technology and support. To also bring together a team of Fertility and Surrogacy experts forming one of the most admired Advisory Boards for a UK Surrogacy Not for Profit organisation, ensuring every member is supported equally and has a voice. ones.

‘The Directory is one of the most valuable and critical parts of our Member portal, its interactive and intuitive features means it’s much more than just a rolodex’

Michael Johnson-Ellis

Using the latest innovative web design, virtual technology and secure encryption, Michael and Wes wanted to deliver a safe space both digitally and physically.

Who lists in the Directory?

Crucially, The Directory will feature services of providers that meet The My Surrogacy Journey Charter. This is to ensure everyone meets a particular standard of support and behave transparently. They could be Fertility Clinics, Egg Banks, Insurance providers, Surrogacy or Fertility lawyers, US/Canadian Surrogacy Agencies, Private Midwives, Birthing and Pregnancy services, or anything else that would support a journey to parenthood.

Upon a Directory Member joining, we made the decision not to accept any referral fees, kickbacks, or financial incentives from any directory member. This is not in the best interest of the Intended Parent, Surrogate or Known Egg Donor.

Wes Johnson-Ellis

Once inside the Portal, each Member has varying access rights to allow them to search the listed Directory Members. You will also be able to interact directly with them too, via video conferencing and direct messaging. You can even schedule appointments Live and from the comfort of your own home. We wanted to simply the process of what can be complicated and stressful, taking the effort and the ‘unknowns’ out of the process.

For more information on how you can be involved in our UK or North America Directory Membership click here for the UK e-brochure, (Canadian and US versions also available) or simply email us for precise information at

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